Wednesday, June 30, 2010

English as a universal language

By Carina Faleiro, Tamires Ribeiro e Andressa

A world language is described as a language spoken and understood by all or most of the world's population. According to Carlos Carrion Torres English is the only language that can be considered universal. As a global language, English has become one of the most important academic and professional tools for the discovery of new information, new job opportunities and integration into the modern world. This essay will analyzed why English became a universal language and what are the advantages to study it as a second language.

The causes for the universality are very well known and understandable. First of all is that the English language has become the language of international communication, it is spoken in approximately seventh countries as the official language and by 470 million to over a billion people as a second language. English is the most widely spoken language in the world and has more speakers than any other language. As well as English is also the language of Internet and so studying, doing research, interacting with international companies and travelling is almost impossible without at least some English. English can be at least understood almost everywhere among scholars and educated people, as it is the world media language, and the language of cinema, TV, pop music and the computer world. All over the planet people know many English words, their pronunciation and meaning.

In addition ,this spreading is due to relevant historical facts too. As a result of the British Empire and Industrial Revolution, when the British economic predominated in the 19th century, building a colonialism of large geographical that had spread the English language in the world. Secondly, the strong economical, political and military predominance of the United States after World War II, paving the way for a substantial economic and cultural influence that had took French’s place, fixing English as the pattern for international communication. It can be related, likewise, to the huge influence of American movies and songs, that leader the various means of mass communication.

Moreover, there are a number of advantages to study English as a second language. In some careers English is the basic language. The market job is increasingly in need of professionals who speak English fluently, sometimes the fluency is not obligated, but is a basic requirement to be hiring and higher wages. As the same as, know another language is a tool that can help people's lives in many ways and who study English, in a globalized world, discover a new world of information and opportunities. The needs for global communication have already promoted English from being the language of the American, the British, the Irish, the Australian, the New Zealand, the Canadian, the Caribbean, and the South African peoples to being the international language.

In summary, English is the language most spoken in the world and its importance is a fact that seems indisputable. The English language is recognized as the most important language for a society increasingly demanding, modern and with different types of new technologies. English has become the official language of the business and scientific world and as a great universal language is inserted in various social media around the world.


  1. I liked pretty much of this essay. It is true that English is the most spoken laguage nowadays and it cannot be avoided. Everyone needs to learn English today. The only country where english is seen with bad eyes is France. They refuse completely to use this language and even mistreat who does. There you can use any language you like, but english.
    Again, nice essay, everyone. Well done job!

  2. It's so true that English has become the official language of the business and scientific world. It's now an essential language.
    With internet, differents TV channels, worldwide musics, etc, our generation have much more contact with Englih, what makes we learn faster, because we practice all the time (even without realize).
    Nice topic!!

  3. English is everywhere ! Nowadays, everything on TV, internet, music, have something in english. I think this may be a good way to make people learn another language and on the other hand it's good to know another language because you can travel and meet new people or you can be interviewed by someone for a good job.
    Nice essay and nice topic !

  4. I believe that English is the most spoken language nowadays but, it could be change because some business wants professional that speak other language such as mandarim and spanish that is second language most spoken.

  5. hi guys,
    is true that the english is a important language to learn,but that is changing,spanish is becaming as important as english.
    so keep studying!

  6. It's funny the changes of our population. A long time ago Latim was fundamental and nowadays we have English as the globalized language. It is very important and useful to have another language. It can broaden minds an opportunities. Nice theme!
